Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Breaking News: Google Has Conquered Blogs!

By Jove, those geniuses at Google have done it again, this time with the absolutely wonderful, right outta the box blog.....Blogger. It was only last week that I said to my wife, "I need to be able to save in PDF to properly embed the graphics in my technical docs" and it was no sooner said than it appeared, almost as if by magic, Google Docs-beta. Now, not only can I save all of my documents as Word documents and RTF, but also I can save PDF files!

Of course, there is some formatting weirdness that will, no doubt, get ironed-out in the Google Docs-alpha version, if it goes that direction. Maybe it's beta, gamma, alpha. So, then it would be Google Docs-gamma. Now that sounds like a radioactive title if I ever heard of one. Unlike my "Celtoria" title for this new blog. I obviously didn't lose any sleep over that one. Weak. Sounds like a place where magical fairies go leaping around in kilts and leotards, a regular Riverdance meets Midsummer Night's Dream. But, after all, I am a piper with a penchant for kilt-wearing and pipe squeezing, er, bag squeezing. So it'll have to do 'till my wife says otherwise.

Speaking of blogs, it was just this week that I decided I needed to publish a blog. I am, after all, supposedly this "master writer" according to the paper on my diploma, and shouldn't I be sharing my masterful communicative ability in the 21st century medium of the blog? Ok, Ok, I'm also a Gemini with a Gemini-rising, which is a regular Air sign double-whammy. But, I am also a professional writer with a desire to connect to a much larger audience. Now, thanks to Google I am doing it! I'd like to thank Google, the academy, my parents and the Great Google Blog called Celtoria!

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